Small Faith Groups

Small groups are an opportunity to spend time with other Young Adult women and men to grow together in our Catholic faith

Womens Group


We are young adult women from parishes across the Treasure Valley sharing in a variety of social activities, volunteer work and religious discussions.

Join our group chat Idaho Catholic YA Women on the GroupMe app.

Mondays with Mary

Join our Rosary Group every Monday at 6pm! Details in our Facebook group and GroupMe.

Contact Jessica Pikul at 630-915-5552, if you have any questions.


Mens group


A community for young Catholic men who seek to encourage virtue and the pursuit of holiness.

Men’s Group Chat Idaho YA Catholic Men

Men's small group is the active pursuit of men in order to connect them to God, His Word, and other men for the purpose of winning, growing, and training God's man in Christ. 

Details: TBA

Contact David through the Firepit GroupMe if you are interested in joining a small group.

Young Adult Teams of Our Lady

Young Adult Teams of Our Lady is a co-ed group for unmarried catholics between the ages of 18 and 35 that seeks to bring members closer to Christ through Mary in small group settings!

If you are interested in joining a team, contact Emily Sanchez at

Follow YATOLIdaho on Instagram


MarRied Couples Group

Using the program of "Teams of Our Lady" these faith groups support married and engaged couples as they grow in their relationship with one another and with God; as they grow in their faith lives as individuals and as a couple; and as they grow in community with their local parish. 

Contact Victor and Nicole Sanchez at

International Meeting in Boston, MA. Summer 2024


Looking for a Bible Study?

Don’t worry if you haven’t made it to the previous studies! Just have an open heart and mind.

Father Dominic with the Verbum Spei

Father Dominc with Verbum Spei has several different opportunities for you! He leads a bible study on Mondays @7pm, Tuesdays @7pm, and even a class on Metaphysics on Wednesdays @8pm

All of these studies are held at the Verbum Spei Monastery at the Church of Our Lady of Ephesus.

Mystery Bible Study

“Mystery” is a Scripture study of the Gospel stories that make up the Sorrowful, Glorious, Luminous, and Joyful Mysteries of the Rosary. This Co-Ed study begins Sept 22, 2024, and will meet weekly for 6 months. Details in our Firepit Facebook group and GroupMe.

Sundays @6p-8pm

Location: Nampa (email us for address)


Come as your schedule allows. Check out our Events Calendar for the scripture of the week.


Want to start your own small group?

Here are some resources to get you started!




  • Women’s devotional

    “A Thrill of Hope”

    Theme: Hope

    Start a small group or join a virtual one

    Catholic Advent Guide for Men


    Theme: The Shepard

    Read on your own or start a small group

    Advent Guide

Lent Devotional

Women’s Devotional

“Under the Olive Tree”

Theme: Stay awake with Jesus

Walk with Jesus into the garden and allow Him to restore the garden of your own heart with His merciful love.

Find the Best Lent Devotional for Women – Blessed Is She - Blessed Is She

Men’s Devotional

Born of Fire"

Theme: Identity

A guide through seven identities to learn from Jesus: son, brother, man, spouse, father, mystic, and ‘new man.

*Includes witness accounts of Franciscan Friars of the Renewal's postulants on their desert journey in the wilderness, invitations into prayer, and reflections on our new life in Christ by Father Innocent.

Catholic Devotional for Men: Born of Fire – Blessed Is She - Blessed Is She

Digital Download